Tecmarine SA Tecmarine SA
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About Us

The BCL boots-center lignano srl. was founded in italy in the nineties, after years of being active in the swiss boating business. The boats were becoming bigger and bigger and after a while we had a number of customers in the adriatic sea, that needed care for their boating experience. Offering a complete on-site service for our Azimut customers was the reason why we started the boots-center. The request slowly grew and so the BCA, Boots-center Aprilia, was founded later, and finally Tecmarine, the swiss holding company.

40 Years of experience and the love for water sports and Yacht development made me often try new ways in terms of service and new state-of-the-art experience for our customers.

We want to confirm the confidence of our clients every day anew. Delivering a new Yacht to a customer is the beginning of a long partnership. Our goal is providing a stress-free, recreative time on the sea.

2012 © Tecmarine SA - +39 335 1306678 - info@tecmarine.eu    admin

Tecmarine SA
+39 335 1306678